(Video) Real Black Mermaid captured by Indonesian fishermen at a sea

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Wonders they say will never end. A black mermaid has recently been captured by Indonesian fishermen, which was found off shore at a yet-to-be identified ocean in Indonesia. (Read More Here).

Indonesia seems to have something to do with mermaids. On many occasions, Indonesians have seen mermaids in their country. It's becoming a norm for real mermaids to come out of the sea in Indonesia.

In the trending video, a black mermaid was seen in a tired manner. From the video, it seemed as if the mermaid was tied down with strong ropes by the Indonesian sea men.

On the other hand, it seemed like the mermaid wasn't tied down with ropes. One thing anyone would notice is the way the mermaid was groaning in pains and a shout for help. 

Video below:

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